Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nakedness and Onlyness

A friend of mine who is a prolific blogger invited women in her social media circle to submit guest posts for her blog, Whole Mama. I felt like Random House had accepted my manuscript when  she agreed to publish it! And then I immediately felt like I was completely naked.

Please check out Only the Lonely: When You Have an Only Child. This is a top of mind issue for me right now, at this juncture of life, and it was actually very helpful to write this submission.

Except, now, more than three human beings know the URL to my blog. Completely. Naked. Interestingly, nearly 1,000 people have vistited this blog and its whopping 3 posts since 2009. Many from Alaska, oddly enough. But I don't know any of them, so that's OK.

Now, after years of wanting to blog on my own secret blog, I've actually blogged on a KNOWN blog with like a bajillion subscribers. Ok maybe not a bajillion. But - Completely. Naked.

Next up: My annual, original blog for 2013. I won't count this one.


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